Subject: 345.500, 246.964 WBFM in N. Va. 6/1 At 2004z on 345.500 WBFM heard carrier. The signal level was fluctuating from an S-3 to S-0. A/C signal I figured. I searched my memories and found Waldorf calling 971 on 246.950, the funny thing was that there was only signal strength indication with his voice, with no modulation no signal strength. I searched around 246.950 in SSB mode and found the peak of Waldorf's carrier at 246.964, now in WBFM mode his signal strength was S-4. Waldorf kept calling 971 on 246.964 and getting no reply, he told 971 blindly that he had them 5 by. Waldorf then asked "Hey Bill where'd she go?". Another voice came on the Orderwire and said "I'm convinced she dosen't want to talk to you." Waldorf then replied "I think that's what it is". At 2012z on 246.964 heard Nightwatch 01 calling 971, Waldorf then came on and told 01 that "there's a problem with that plane, I've had trouble in two stations with her. I've got her on the other phone, apparently there's something on the plane, I can watch my signal going out on the transmitter. I'm watching it on a spectrum analyzer." 01 then asked if Waldorf heard her. Waldorf replied that he did. At 2015z noticed that the carrier had drifted down to 246.961. At 2034z the carriers dropped out. 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.600, 355.000, 336.800 WBFM, 973 & 7000 in N. Va. 6/3 At 2036z heard WBFM carrier on 267.600 At around 2050z heard three attempts at phone calls on 267.5545USB, two no answers, one busy. At 2054z heard WBFM carrier on 355.000 At around 2100z on the 267.600 Orderwire heard 7000 telling 973 that he's been trying to reach him on a circuit to tell him about his little problem. One of 7000's engineers says he noticed a flash come out of one of his left side engines. I didn't hear 973 on the Orderwire. 7000 said that it looked like # 2 engine. 7000 wanted to call 973 on one of the other channels he had him on and that way they won't discuss it over the Orderwire. On 355.000 Orderwire heard 973 calling 7000 and asking for the engineers to come up on the Orderwire, 973 is on RF 4. Waldorf was checking the phone numbers for 973, 0080 is channel 4 and 0081 is channel 5. At 2102z on 267.5675LSB heard one side of a phone call between 973 & 7000. I heard 973 asking 7000 if they see anything now, we're on a roll right now. O.K. the back end of # 2, O.K. that's what we thought. Did you want to talk to the engineer as soon as we get airborne here? It sounded almost like a flat tire but we heard it, we definitely felt the airplane jerk to the left. 73 is airborne at this time. At this point another gentlemen gets on the phone. Yeah go ahead for 973, yeah we heard something it was very muffled, very mild. Initially we thought it was a tire that blew on us, but we went out and checked. We couldn't find anything and we taxied back to the end of the runway and ran up to TR2(?)for a couple of minutes and everything looked fine, there's no compressor stall, and of course now we just took off and all the instruments indicate that they're normal. Yeah that's good, they did some TC work on # 2 before we left so I don't know, there shouldn't have been any residual fuel cause of the burning can, it seems to work fine now. I'll take note of it, hopefully everything will work fine. I'll come back and sign my A form(?). O.K. I appreciate it, how was your trip today? Oh you're on right now, you're getting ready to take off? O.K. thanks Dave , have a good trip. Bye. At 2121z heard an S-1 signal on 336.800 WBFM At 2156z the carrier dropped on 267.600, no other signals were present on 355.000 or 336.800 That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610 WBFM 01 & 02 & 2?000 in N. Va. 6/8 At 1215z on 267.610 heard WBFM carrier at S-8. At 1224z on 267.6575LSB heard phone call. At 1226z on 267.6525USB heard phone call dealing with this week's Administration pet project, Child Labor. Also discussed was that the E-Rate issue is a disaster, and an article in this week's Newsweek about The First Pup, Buddy, being used as a fund raiser. The White House using Buddy in a direct mail fund raising campaign. The White House spin, " Buddy is a brown dog, not a Yellow Dog, and he's still a good Democrat." At 1231z on 267.6445USB heard a phone call dealing with the return of AF1 tonight around 0930L. At 1242z on the Orderwire heard 02 calling 01 and asking for (name) to give 02 the Beacon Receiver Address. 01 responds that (name) is not here, 02 then asks for whoever is doing SHF. 01 gives 02 the freq. of 7.604070588 (Ghz?). 02 then asks 01 if he got that off the MIV(?) or the Beacon Receiver. 01 replies that he thought that 01 used it right out of the MIV(?). 02 says that there is not enough digits, "I can't get the 588 in there, I can only get the 58. At 1242z on 267.6600USB heard a phone call asking if the Secretary ( Albright, Herman ?) can take a call and if so can you call us back on another line. Also heard phone calls on 267.5615LSB, 267.5779LSB, 267.5694LSB, and 267.6576LSB. At 1258z while listening to a phone call the carrier dropped. I suspect that I was l listening to the WBFM signal for Clinton's trip to New York for a speech at the U.N. at 1045L, and two fund raisers. Though I did not hear 2?000 or AF1 on the Orderwire the phone calls would indicate that it was a Presidential circuit and not a Night Watch circuit. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 336.800, 397.050, 398.500, & 390.000 WBFM in N. Va. 6/8 At 1515z heard WBFM carrier on 336.800 at S-4 and fluctuating. At 1516z on the Orderwire heard 01 asking Waldorf for a double feed. 01 told Waldorf they'll be flying today, but not sure where exactly, 01 will get back to Waldorf. At 1517z on the Orderwire 01 and Waldorf reported all circuits check 5 by, 01 would like to go strictly RF. Waldorf then came back and told 01 he's RF only. At 1518z heard WBFM carrier on 397.050 at S-4. At 1518z Waldorf asked for 01's SHF operator. Waldorf asked if 01 was trying to bring something up through Belvoir. No, 01 already has stuff up through Belvoir though. Waldorf is talking to someone from Belvoir and asking about a Bravo 116 and a Bravo 115 and Waldorf shows 01's main link up through Roberts. Waldorf has a fault on his SCC(?) 100 to 01 through Belvoir. 01 asks Waldorf if they can get back to this in a minute, 01 has a call on this line here they need to complete. Waldorf says OK. At 1522z heard WBFM carrier on 398.500 at S-0 with a female op from 02 calling Waldorf and 01. 02 informed 01 that they are bringing up 07127 East Lant. At 1525z heard WBFM carrier on 390.000 at S-0. At 1530z carrier on 397.050 peaked at S-9+30. Carrier on 336.800 kept fluctuating from S-5 to S-0. At 1534z WBFM carriers on 398.500 and 390.000 were gone. At 1548z on the 336.800 Orderwire 01 informed Waldorf they are airborne at 1548, 01 will stay at Offutt for an AR for an hour and a half, then onto Wright Pat to Hillsboro to Wright Pat. Heard phone calls on 336.7782USB, 336.8503USB, 336.8265USB, 336.8505USB. Some dealt with data problems and another with a head count of 29, a later call said 26 and was asked how many hearing impaired. At 1621z on the 336.800 Orderwire heard Waldorf ask 02 "What's the latest and the greatest on the SATCOM?" 02 is not coming through the Orderwire now, Waldorf must have put them on an outside speaker, Waldorf asks "who is, they said?", "Juliet Kilo?", "That's his initials?", Waldorf asks 02 if they are trying to go through Belvoir or Meade. "Is your SATCOM going from you to Meade or you to Belvoir?" At 1636z heard phone call on 336.8552 LSB. I had to hit the road at 1650z, when I got back at 1930z carriers were gone. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 336.820 WBFM in N. Va. 6/9 At 0042z on 336.820 heard WBFM carrier at S-4, and steady. Heard phone calls between 0046z and 0055z on 336.8610USB, 336.8730LSB, & 336.8646LSB. One call dealt with Clinton leaving the Waldorf at 8:35 and scheduled to arrive at JFK at 9:10. More phone calls heard between 0132z and 0153z on 336.7680USB, 336.8611LSB, 336.8530LSB, & 336.7730LSB. Center of carrier drifted down to 336.815. Went to hit the sack at 0230z, no Orderwire traffic. Don't know who I was listening to. 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 336.8XX WBFM still up, Waldorf & 02 in N. Va. 6/9 At 0926z found 336.815 WBFM had drifted down to 336.800. At 0927z heard phone call on 336.8228LSB. At 0936z Waldorf called 02 on the Orderwire, no reply from 02. At 0941z heard phone call on 336.7535USB, data works good would like to test secure fax. At 0944z Waldorf again called 02 on the Orderwire, after a couple of tries 02 finally answers and Waldorf tells her can barely read her. Waldorf calls 02 about a half dozen more times and gets a response from 02, he tells her he can read her much better now, I can't, 02 must be on an outside speaker. Waldorf asks 02 if they are back up on FDMA. 02 must have replied receive only. Waldorf said there appears to be a DDD(?) problem, port 15 & 16 show unused. When you come back up we'll get you to download, before we link up you should download anyhow. I have the Orderwire pulled off there because it's in loop and we get echoes, let me know when you get everything running and I'll put the Orderwire back up. At 0955z heard phone call on 336.8469LSB, "I got it nice and clear, now let me send you mine". maybe the fax guys. Had to hit the road at 0958z. Carrier wasn't here when I got back at 1923z. 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) 355.000 & 267.615 WBFM in N. Va. 6/12 At 0918z on 355.000 heard WBFM carrier at S-1. Heard Unknown tell Waldorf(?) that they are taxiing down the runway at this time. At 0939z heard WBFM carrier on 267.615 at S-8. No Orderwire traffic or phone calls heard. Had to hit the road at 0959z. Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 355.000 & 267.610 WBFM AF1 & Waldorf 6/14 At 2253z heard WBFM carriers on 355.000 & 267.610. 355 was at S-9+10, 267 was at S-8. At 2255z 355.000 carrier was gone. At 2256z on 267.5635LSB heard phone call from AF1 to Andrews CP, Andrews then patched AF1 to AF OPs. AF OPs welcomed AF1 home. At 2304z on 267.5735USB heard phone call. At 2305z on the 267.610 Orderwire heard Waldorf wish the radio op on AF1 a goodnight, a few seconds later the carrier dropped. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 398.500/366.020 WBFM in N. Va., 02 & Waldorf 6/24 At 1934z on 398.500 heard WBFM carrier at S-5, found another weak carrier at 366.000. After tuning around 366.000+/- found 366 carrier peaked at 366.020. At 1944z on the 398.500 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to 02. 02 requested a loop back before Waldorf's 94. Waldorf replied O.K. Waldorf informed 02 that he was looping Camp Roberts. More Orderwire traffic dealt with 02 not seeing the loop. 02 had been trying to call Camp Roberts on the phone, Waldorf says that he's getting some kind of a pattern from CR. Waldorf has a monitor on CR, there's something there. Waldorf pulled his loop to see if it anything changes, it changes when Waldorf pulls his loop. So Waldorf is getting something from them. CR had called Waldorf earlier, does 02 want Waldorf to call CR? 02 asks Waldorf to please call CR, 02 calls and gets no answer. 02 asks Waldorf to ask CR to give 02 a loop as close to 02 as possible. CR will give 02 a loop as close to 02 as he can. Waldorf asks 02 if he's using WEST PACC(?), 02 replies Mid LANT. Waldorf: "Mid LANT, from Camp Roberts?" 02: "Yes sir". Waldorf: "Oh, OK that was my misunderstanding, well he may have had it right and I was the only one who had it wrong". 02: "We're going to use Mid LANT til after they take off then we'll swap in flight to WEST PACC". Waldorf: "Roger, The gal from CR, I swear she told me one of the PACCs she was coming up on, because we ran a bird on it for over an hour ". 02: "I'd talked to them and they had said that they had been testing a link out between you, evidently it was the wrong one." Waldorf: "Because she told me she had to take it down because somebody had called her and wanted the power turned up on it". 02: " That was probably me". Waldorf: " Roger, but I sw..., 99 percent sure she said one of the PACCS, I think you told me you wanted Mid LANT out of CR, is that correct?" 02: "Yes sir". Waldorf: "I don't think they can do that, they can't reach it, can they?, don't you need FT. Meade for that?" 02: "I apologize, stand by one". Waldorf: "OK". 02: "You are 100% correct sir". Waldorf: " Do I get a prize?" 02: "Next time I'm out there I'll buy you a round". Waldorf: " Oh, that'll be great, what should I have set up now?, do you want Fort Meade?" 02: " Yes sir". Waldorf: " and Mid LANT?, OK that's no trouble, hold on, there's Ft. Meade". Waldorf: "When we were trying to come up earlier today with Ft. Meade it seemed that they had swapped some patches around and they still had one patch down so they put that up and we're now locked in. So you want all the circuits patched up?" 02: "All the FDMA circuits put over, the one we are running via UHF could you send it my way also?" Waldorf: "Alright, ,let me start patching". 02: "Roger sir, thank you". Waldorf: to 01 " I'm getting ready to pull your 2 DSNs down off the SSMA(?) and I was gonna notify you first". 01 unheard, Waldorf: " Yes on the SSMA, you got 2 DSNs on it, I'm getting ready to pull them down for 02". 02 asked Waldorf for a downline load, Waldorf informed 02 that all the patches are up. 02 told 01 that his data operators are requesting Low MUX B, and asked 01 if he had a problem with that. Apparently not. 02 came over the Orderwire and told Waldorf that he was talking to him on his FDMA Ch. 8 port 14. Waldorf told 02 that that sounds strange, it sounds good for a change. Waldorf asked 02 if he was on the Glass Circuits, 02 told him negative, this is his FDMA circuits, Waldorf said he knows, that 02 wanted Low MUX B. 02 told Waldorf that that was 01. Another voice came on identifying as 02 and told Waldorf that 02 had in fact requested Low MUX B from 01. Waldorf then asked this voice if he was on the Glass rack, 02 replied that actually he's using a Night Watch and Glass rack. 02 wanted the Low MUX B on the Night Watch rack. Waldorf then said: "Alright let me find you". Waldorf now shows 02 with the Low MUX B. Waldorf then asked 02 "The DDD(?) I was pulling from the FDMA circuits and patching to you, is that the one going to you on 9? " 02 said yes, Waldorf wanted to pull it from 02 cause it's up on the FDMA. Waldorf shows 02 with A,B,&10. 02 told Waldorf that when he checked his circuits and punched in port 14 he came up on ADMIN. Waldorf says that's correct, Waldorf shows DDDs on 7,8,9,&10, DSNs on 11,12,&13, Orderwire on 14, and DDD on 15 & 16. 02 says he can live with that. Waldorf tells 02 that AutoDIN is on data port 3. At 2057z Waldorf told 02 that he sees him at Seymour. Waldorf then checked Wright Patterson, Waldorf told 02 that WP is better. At 2058z Carrier on 398.500 dropped. I lost the 366.020 carrier at 2102z. The 366.020 carrier had peaked at S-9+10. I heard phone calls on 398.5256USB, 398.5305LSB, 398.4700USB, 398.5311LSB. One caller used 1-800-COLLECT:>) That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>)