Subject: 267.615/355.000 WBFM AF1 & Waldorf in N. Va. 1/2/99 At 0037z found WBFM carriers on 267.615 at S-8 and 355.000 at S-2. At 0048z heard phone call on 267.6444LSB. At 0048z heard phone call on 267.6469USB, call to White House, "OK you're gonna be at the back, a small cover, OK". At 0100z heard phone call on 267.6462USB, call to SAM CP then SAM CP patched a call to Air Force Operations Center. AF1 passed along Andrews arrival information. At 0105z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf telling AF1 that they'll terminate on his count, Waldorf then counted to 3 and the carrier dropped. Very little phone activity from AF1, maybe due to the latest Drudge Report??? That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 336.800/397.050 WBFM, NW01 & Waldorf in N. Va. 1/4/99 At 1745z found WBFM carriers on 336.800 at S-4 and fluctuating badly and 397.050 at S-7. At 1753z heard phone call on 336.8300LSB, very distorted. At 1755z heard phone call on 336.8150LSB, also distorted. At 1805z heard phone call on 336.8232LSB, distorted. At 1814z on the Orderwires heard 01 and Waldorf, Waldorf told 01 "I called a few minutes ago when we had that power hit, I guess a half hour ago, and it's concerning maintenance on ... (... will mean Waldorf's sig. sunk into the mud) 3 or an OC48 ... that the T1 to Jasper Ground Entry Point rides, and the bottom line is sometime this week they would like to do maintenance on it that will take it out of service for up to 8 hours. Now we do have the Looking Glass we'll still be fine we can... your circuits to the Looking Glass and have manual patches put up if you require landlines out of Jasper. I won't have a time they said they could try to coordinate with a time that was convenient with you." 01 "Roger sir, understand I'll brief my Commo on that." Waldorf "Would you like for me to give them your phone number? Have them call and ask for Tech control? " 01 "Sure, that'll be fine." At 1819z on the Orderwires heard 01 and Waldorf, 01 asked Waldorf "On that Jasper question, I've got a question for you, even if you took down our Nightwatch portion we'd still be able to use the Looking Glass portion is that correct?" Waldorf "That's correct, have to map your circuits to it. On the Looking Glass rack you don't have the landline capability." 01 "That's fine sir." Waldorf "You have to manually patch those, but that's workable." 01 "Roger sir, great, thank you." At 1821z heard phone call on 336.8150LSB. At 1823z on the Orderwires heard Waldorf and 01, 01 asked Waldorf "On the FDMA FCC 100s the loss of frame, has it gone away now?" Waldorf "It's on and off, it comes and goes. Mostly it's on." 01 "OK that's a good sign sir, we're still taking an occasional hit but that's better then what we had before." At 1835z on the Orderwires heard 01 and Waldorf , 01 told Waldorf "Tonight between 6pm and 6am tomorrow night the same times, any of those will work." Waldorf "OK I copy, tonight or tomorrow night." At 1836z heard phone call on 336.8542LSB. At 1844z heard phone call on 336.8150LSB, wx for ????, possibly Andrews. Sounded like our wx here. At 1854z on 378.100 heard Andrews CP ask for Gordo 11's tail #, 11 unheard. Heard Andrews repeat 787. At 1859z heard on the 336 Orderwire Waldorf telling 01 that he just had a call from the folks who want to work... you want them to call you... don't think they need to they say either tonight or tomorrow between 10 and 6 they'll do it. At 1923z heard phone call on 336.8393LSB, "HMNTAU standby" numerous times then at 1924z the EAM of "HMNTAU42SIPDE4PGRXW36ISEIAORMMGEJMLA4T5WDSW5KUNRWZS63OIURB7TZU2MRIPLUEJVBYAKHEJRT2CSGGTGZ LJNB74NBXVFUGMI2C7CN6WLQ3PQT7K3CLSMXTP7TAWQTBN5KCYIRCVFKAQJZXDZLJ3O, This is 6 acknowledge M", didn't hear Mike, then "This is 6 out". Some of the characters may be wrong, signal kept dropping into the noise. At 1932z heard phone call on 336.8306LSB. At 1933z heard phone call on 336.8336USB. At 1935z heard phone call on 336.8307LSB. At 1936z heard phone call on 336.8306LSB, "You guys will be back normal time Thursday?" At 1938z heard phone call on 336.8337USB, "I flew Rivet Joint in Desert Fox". At 1942z heard phone call on 336.8152LSB. At 1950z heard phone call on 336.8393LSB. At 2002z heard siren type sound on 336.8393LSB then "All conferees standby this is Nightwatch, standby for a Communications Flash Test call. As your command is called report on the audibility of the conference." NW then called White House, Command Center, and Blue Grass. All reported loud and clear. NW had all loud and clear also. At 2004z more sirens on 336.8393LSB, then another Communications Flash Test call this time only Command Center was called. Command Center reported loud and clear but with a tone. That's all for now, more later. 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: More 336.800/397.050 WBFM in N. Va. 1/4/99 At 2058z heard sirens on 336.8393LSB then, "All conferees standby" a couple of times then, "R5XEUB standby" a couple of times then at 2059z an EAM of "R5XEUBYELABOG3GYQAUZHKGO36NHW7" This was repeated then "This is L acknowledge T", Tango ack. with S, he then called Echo, Echo unheard here, then 5 responded with 7, Bravo was unheard here, Quebec replied with H, Yankee replied with U, Alpha was unheard here, Oscar responded with Z, Delta responded with 6, November was called twice and was unheard here. Then "This is L, out". At 2123z heard phone call on 336.8393LSB. At 2127z heard sirens on 336.8393LSB, then for the next 5 minutes "All conferees standby", then a minute of "R5DRZ4 standby" then at 2134z an EAM of "R5DRZ4T7SOBB5UCAGNHW2LZE5O3XVV. " Then "This is X acknowledge Z, Z replied with H, 6 was unheard, L replied with A, F with U, Q with E, M with R, J with S, N with O, I with 4, and T was unheard, then "This is X out." At 2144z heard phone call on 336.8340USB. At 2149z on the 336 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking with 01, Waldorf said "You gave me that to give to Griswald at Strawberry Peak a little bit ago. You gave me Griswald at Strawberry Peak 7C at 2118 and I'm up to him at Strawberry with 7C. I can give him the Nightwatch ADMIN sir, What I'm saying is the Looking Glass system is in use with Griswald who did go through you for coordination and I don't know which one has priority but that ties up his system. I can give him an ADMIN on yours but it will not cut him through to any of the other airplanes. Griswald, also to let you know I have another aircraft at Offutt who didn't go through you, he's Razz 19 he's up on RF 18 with a 7E. He's on RF 18 he has one circuit, I still don't know who has priority but I gave him the E, I only gave him one circuit we don't know if he has priority or Griswald does. I don't know anything about Scaffolding. Griswald is already in that station with the 7C and on RF 18. What RF was Scaffolding coming up on? Well maybe that's why Griswald isn't answering me. " At 2153z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf talking with 01, "Scaffolding on RF 18, with what sir? OK sir I have, I can take your system and put Griswald up, it'll take some time because I have plans to put up, now if I can get Griswald to get him to drop, that's the next question. I can drop them but if they don't drop it's still gonna kill us." At 2205z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to 01, "Can you give me a few mins.? I've got 5 SAC birds and they're running me to death. " At 2211z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to 01, "You're having problems with who sir? Oh you're talking about the switch, standby". At 2217z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to 01, "The circuits you're having trouble with are 6 - 7 & 9. OK they don't go to Sequin anymore, they go to MCI. MCI switch in Colorado Springs, I'll report them to MCI." "Yes sir Scaffold has been up since 2156, the one I'm having problems with is, I took Griswald down I don't know what to do with him. Where am I going to meet him at and what RF channel? If it happens to be at Strawberry you're going to have to let me turn your system down and map circuits which will take a little bit of time. His system is already in use out there. If he's at Williams or anywhere else, Williams I've already got him mapped to, and they have to be aware that if they're both coming back Williams is a single station only one of them can work it. He don't have anything right now, I know that for a fact. " At 2222z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to 01, Waldorf asked 01 if his 6 - 7 & 9 were back. At 2225z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf telling 01 that there were 23 T3s out in Texas, he doesn't know exactly where and he doesn't have a final RFO. At 2254z on the 336 Orderwire heard Waldorf call 01 and ask for a Sgt. Name A. He then passed along " What I found out on the GEP, Waldorf said it as a word, League(?) is the 12th, 13th, and 14th. I was just told the 12th 13th and 14th. Hold on a minute let me call him back." At 2256z on the Orderwire Waldorf told 01, "The 12th and 13th are GEP General, the 14th is going to be FDMA and that's per Sgt. Name B's agenda, he forgot to send it out to the crews. The other questions someone had about what circuits are MCI's, all your AUTOVONs are MCI now. I don't know what happened there :>). We still have your drops like to Blue Ridge and your Channel 5, BC, 4, and your DDD. The Titans? no, as we did a cut, to cut the, they got the T pipes also. We reworked all of that as they were cut." Went to dinner at 2324z, put a tape in the deck to record the Orderwire. Came back from dinner at 0000z. Only crickets on the tape:>) At 0027z on 336.8155LSB heard scrambled comms. At 0038z heard phone call on 336.8178USB, car talk. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: More 336.800/397.050 WBFM NW01 & Waldorf In N. Va. 1/5/99 At 0043z heard phone call on 336.8308LSB. At 2040z heard phone call on 336.8303LSB. At 2045z heard sirens on 336.8388LSB, Communications Flash Test Call with Dog Patch(?), Survival, & Billy Bob. At 2145z heard phone call on 336.8307LSB. At 2213z heard phone call on 336.8151LSB, "We're getting ready to get out of here". At 2214z heard sirens on 336.8393LSB then 7 minutes of "All conferees standby". At 2221z heard "R52JMY standby" for 1 min. at 2222z EAM of "R52JMYHATP4KD7WHT2CQPL6Y5EOZYN". On the repeat a different voice gave the EAM. After the EAM "This is E acknowledge L", no reply from L, W replied with E, J no reply from J, 5 replied with 2, H replied with Z, D replied with S, Q was unheard, F replied with P, N replied with B. E repolled L and J. No response then E was out. Noticed that during the "All conferees standby" transmissions there was a hum when E had his hand set keyed. At 2236z heard sirens on 336.8393, then "This is Dog Patch with a message of 5 groups, standby", twice. Then "This is Dog Patch with a message of 5 groups, message follows, TDHP6Q5SD7KAM22, acknowledge Command Center", Command Center replied he copies all, next Dog Patch called Nightwatch, Nightwatch unheard, next Treasurer was called, Treasurer requested a repeat, next Survival was called, no reply. Billy Bob was called next, Billy Bob replied loud and clear. Dog Patch then repolled Survival, Survival unheard. Dog Patch then said "All conferees except Treasurer may drop". Dog Patch then repeated the 5 groups for Treasurer. After the repeat Treasurer told Dog Patch she copies all. The conference then ended. At 2241z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf telling 01 he believes that 01 just has 3 through 8, so 01 would have to drop something else. Waldorf said he could go to the back and double check that. Waldorf came back a minute later and told 01 that 01 just has 303 through 308 and then the ADMIN. At 2246z heard phone call on 336.8308LSB. At 0044z heard phone call on 336.8151LSB, clear comms. then scrambled, data wiping it out. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.615/355.000 WBFM AF1 & Waldorf in N. Va. 1/8/99 At 2304z found WBFM carriers on 267.615 at S-9+10 and 355.000 at S-1. At 2308z heard phone call on 267.6686LSB. At 2309z heard phone call on 267.6600LSB. At 2312z heard phone call on 267.6712USB, "Meet Waxman and his staff". At 2314z heard phone call on 267.6684LSB, caller was put on hold while they tried to track someone down,they weren't answering their cell phone so the fellow paged them and told the party to hold. When the party was finally patched through she told the Col. she was ready to receive at Andrews. She told the Col. the motorcade was all checked out and ready to go. She then gave the Col. the wx for the flight line and road conditions for "where" the Col. was going. Black ice but driveable. She then told the Col. she'll come over to his place, "Granite" (I believe she said, Orderwire traffic was making copy difficult), and get the "Football", (Brief case with Nuke codes), from him. At 2319z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 calling Waldorf, 01 told Waldorf " I have a station Overhang requesting a 7C at station Albuquerque at this time". Waldorf asked if they gave an RF. 01 told Waldorf to he was trying to get that now. 01 came back and told Waldorf they want RF 18. At 2320z heard phone call on 267.6595LSB. At 2323z heard phone call on 267.6465USB, someone requested the President autograph a couple of business cards. At 2324z heard phone call on 267.6593LSB, girl talk. At 2334z heard phone call on 267.6457USB. At 2335z on the 267 Orderwire heard unknown repeat numerous times "This is the Backup conference standby". At 2340z heard phone call on 267.6584LSB, a schedule for the weekend for someone, Social Security, State of the Union speech, "use the weekend to focus". Bill's schedule ? At 2346z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to AF1, shutting down for the night. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610/355.000 WBFM 29000 & Waldorf in N. Va. 1/11/99 At 1752z heard WBFM carriers on 267.615 at S-9 +10 and 355.000 at S-6. Loud hum present on 267 carrier. At 1815z and 1818z heard phone operator messages on 267.6504LSB," We're sorry, your call can not be completed..." At 1845z the 355 carrier had faded, it had been going from S-9+30 to the mud and back up again, plane flying locally, testing??? At 1849z the circuits on the 267 freq. dropped out, the carrier remained. The circuits kept popping up and dropping over the next 50 or so minutes. The hum also kept popping up every now and then. The "Hum" popped up at 1856z and then Orderwire traffic finally. At 1957z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf tell 02 that he has the channels 1 - 9 - & 10, also that 29000 has all the Ciders. At 1959z the 267 Orderwire noised up and then 02 came on and told Waldorf that he is back. At 2000z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 calling 02, 01 asked if it was possible to bring up an air to air link for some training. 02 said to give him about 10 minutes. At 2001z on the 267 Orderwire heard 02 calling Waldorf and informing Waldorf that 02 will be going to the Gulf. At 2004z on the 267 Orderwire heard 02 and Waldorf, Waldorf asked if 02 had preference over STRATCOM, primary?, 02 told Waldorf to standby, 02 came back and said he does not have precedence over STRATCOMs primary. Waldorf told 02 that "they're" down there now and they're scheduled to come back this evening, Waldorf will go ahead and keep a monitor up for them when they come up, but you can have everything until they come up towards you. At 2004z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 and 02, 01 told 02 that 01 will play the GEP if that ever occurs, 02 asked 01 if they could have B & C, 01 told 02 to standby, 01 then came back and told 02 that B & C will not be available. 02 said he'll go ahead and tell his data folks. At 2006z on the 267 Orderwire heard 02 calling 01 and asking if 01's SHF operator can take a look at the range on the 28 and tell 02 what that is. 01 came back and told 02 that they are currently up FDMA and the range this morning was 38774, that was at 0730 this morning. At 2007z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 calling Waldorf, 01 asked Waldorf to verify that they are on RF 6, 01 is currently burning landline only. Waldorf says that they are currently on RF 6. At 2007z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling 02, Waldorf told 02 that he just had a power fail on a radio rack. 02 told Waldorf that they are still here:>) Waldorf says he's not going to touch anything til 02's ready to move. At 2010z on the 267 Orderwire heard 02 calling 01, 02 told 01 that they only want to use low MUX B & C for receive only. 01 said OK, 02 said he'll even put a pin on the transmit side so he won't affect their operations. At 2011z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 calling Waldorf, 01 told Waldorf they'd like to comply with 02's request for B & C receive only. Waldorf will set it up. He asks 01 if he wants it up to the both of them, 01 says yes Sir. Waldorf came back and told 01 that they both have B & C. 01 them called 02 and told 02 that he has receive only B & C. At 2015z the tone was gone on the 267 Orderwire. At 2020z the tone reappeared on the 267 Orderwire. At 2020z on the 267 Orderwire Waldorf called 01 and asked if 01's SHF operator could call him on an outside line. At 2022z the tone was gone on the 267 Orderwire, the circuits were also gone on the 267 signal. At 2025z the tone and circuits on 267 were back. At 2025z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling 01, Waldorf told 01 that he hears a lot of data coming over the Orderwire, so do I:>). 01 said he'll take a look at it. At 2028z the data was gone from the Orderwire. At 2033z heard scrambled comms. around 267.6689LSB. At 2034z the tone on the 267 Orderwire was gone, circuits were still up though. Between 2051z and 2110z heard 10 phone calls on 267.6442USB, some to Maintenance, Presidential Support type #s, Scheduling and personal calls. At 2112z the tone was back and the last call heard on 267.6442USB became very distorted. At 2104z 355.000 was up at S-4, it had been unheard for a couple of hours, parked at Andrews? At 2117z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling 01, 01 never answered 02 then called Waldorf, 02 asked Waldorf their status of the next GEP. Waldorf told 02 to standby. At 2124z on the 267 Orderwire Waldorf told 02 he could take him at Noble at any time. 02 told Waldorf he still has good AGC, how is 02 looking to Waldorf? Waldorf told 02 that he's still a little better at Offutt, 02 told Waldorf he'll look into it. At 2128z on the 267 Orderwire 02 was calling Waldorf and Waldorf replied but 02 was not responding. 02 kept calling Waldorf. Waldorf was getting agitated, you could tell in his voice. Finally Waldorf called 01 to make sure he could be heard. 01 replied and then 01 called 02, 02 replied to 01 and 01 asked if 02 could copy Waldorf, 01 told Waldorf to call 02. When they could finally hear each other 02 asked if Waldorf had transitioned them yet. Waldorf said yes, 02 asked what GEP they were in, Waldorf told 02 Noble. At 2131z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 calling 02, no reply. 01 then called Waldorf to make sure someone could hear him. 01 then continued to call 02 with no luck. At 2133z the tone on the 267 Orderwire was gone. At 2134z heard phone call on 267.6443USB, call to Waldorf, "Let me get in there where I can pick you up" "Roger that". At 2135z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling 29, Waldorf told 29 he was ready to terminate. Waldorf counted down from 3 and the carrier was gone. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610/355.000 325.965/359.750 WBFM - AF1, Skeptical, Waldorf in N. Va. 1/24 At 1225z found WBFM carriers at 267.610 at S-8, 355.000 at S-1, 325.965 at S-3, 359.750 at S-1. At 1235z heard phone call on 267.6568LSB, The chap on the line will be at the airport in 15 mins. He asked if the other party had been able to work out everything in terms of what will happen at the end of this thing at the airport. He then asked if the other party happened to have an extra hard(?) or guest pen with them. He left his at home. At 1245z heard phone call on 267.6648LSB. At 1247z on the 267 and 355 Orderwires heard Waldorf and AF1. Waldorf told AF1 that he could put him into Seymour at anytime he wants to go. AF1 told Waldorf to go right ahead. The 267 carrier then dropped. At 1248z heard phone call on 355.0572USB, heard both sides. Guys were discussing who has what transportation arrangements already made. Talking about going to church, the Governor's Mansion, and a walking tour after church. James Lee Witt and Buddy Young will be there. They also discussed the whole schedule for the damage tour. At 1254z on the 325 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling AF1, Waldorf told AF1 he had to put AF1 into Wright Patterson. AF1 dropped down to a 1 on AGC, AF1 told Waldorf he heard it noising up. At 1255z on the 325 Orderwire heard Waldorf and AF1, Waldorf told AF1 that they must be going down directly through that dead spot. Waldorf has very low AGC on this one also and he doesn't see AF1 anywhere else. AF1 says he copies that, he also said that AF1's navigator thinks that the ground stations are SAM sites, he avoids them:>) At 1259z noticed that the 325.965 signal had drifted down to 325.950. At 1302z on the 325 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to Unknown/Unheard, Waldorf asked that once they get airborne could they check the received pilot from Waldorf? At 1316z on the 325 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling AF1. No reply. At 1317z on the 325 Orderwire heard Waldorf tell Unknown/Unheard, "Roger sir". At 1323z noticed the 359 carrier at S-6. At 1325z on the 325/359 Orderwires heard Waldorf and Unknown. Unknown told Waldorf " reading about a neg 40". At 1327z on the 325 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling Jaywalk, Jaywalk answered. Waldorf told Jaywalk that yesterday on the problem with the pilot tones at Waldorf and the station south of him, Waldorf told Jaywalk that he gave him his readings yesterday and he just had Skeptical, the Unknown, read the receive from him and he has a neg 40. Jaywalk said OK then it's definitely their receivers. At 1334z heard scrambled comms. on 325.9766LSB or there abouts. At 1341z on the 325 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to Skeptical, Waldorf told Skeptical he's looking, he can take him there but he has a better signal here. At 1349z heard phone call on 325.9761USB, home answering machine. At 1350z the 325 carrier dropped. Some observations, it seems that Mr. Haverlah is correct and that the NW birds are now using callwords instead of the familiar 01, 02 ... . The voices are the same, only the names have changed:>) Skeptical was not the "Primary", 01, because I didn't hear the hundreds of crickets on Waldorf's carrier to him. Jaywalk is probably the primary a/c. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610/355.000 WBFM - 29000 & Waldorf in N. Va. 1/24 At 1809z found WBFM carriers on 267.610 at S-8 and 355.000 at S-5. At 1809z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf and Jaywalk, Jaywalk told Waldorf he has "either a Razz 10 or station Hayhook out here at Offutt, they've got the 7C and they need to do some testing so they're requesting a full 7A". Waldorf told Jaywalk that they are supposed to use RF 19 for the A. Jaywalk told Waldorf he can have them change it, he has Hayhook on the other line. Waldorf told Jaywalk to tell Hayhook to meet him on the ADMIN, Waldorf will set up and then swap him over. At 1812z on the 267 Orderwire heard Jaywalk call Waldorf. Jaywalk told Waldorf he just talked to those guys and they're going to be coming up shortly. Jaywalk then asked Waldorf if there was anyway that Waldorf could tie them together on the Orderwire. Waldorf told Jaywalk to please stand by "He's hollering". At 1813z on the 267 Orderwire Jaywalk was calling Waldorf, didn't get an answer. At 1816z heard phone call on 267.6582LSB, a couple of phone numbers mentioned then "As far as we know he arrived at the Governor's Mansion 15 mins. late". "Scheduled departure 5:15 local". At 1816z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling Jaywalk and telling him, "To answer your question on the Orderwires, you can tie it in with the Titan and if I put it up with the, well you saw how long it took to put plans up yesterday" Jaywalk: "Roger that sir" Waldorf: "Well it would bump his circuits too, and he's right there so he can call you easier then I can put the plans up, then I'd have to take the plans down before I can give him the a the a" Jaywalk: "It's no problem sir, like I say, it was just a matter of asking the question, I didn't know if it was as easy as it used to be" Waldorf: "No, if it's a minimum site out there you can, but with you up and with what Skeptical's doing we'd have a big Round Robin hollow Orderwire" Jaywalk: "No problem sir, and just to give you a heads up we're trying to coordinate an air to air with the guys that just came up. So that we can share the way to do this stuff. So you might hear us talking to nobody". At 1818z heard phone call on 267.6501LSB, Command Post, "29000 we got a little worried about you, copy 1756 2015, have a good flight". At 1819z heard phone call on 267.6424LSB, answering machine. At 1825z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling 29000, Waldorf told 29000 that he would like to put him into Wright Patterson if that's alright. The carrier then dropped. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.615/355.000 WBFM AF1 & Waldorf in N. Va. 1/25 At 0031z started picking up carrier from AF1 in SSB mode on 355.000. At 0045z 355.000 WBFM carrier at S-5. At 0045z heard phone call on 355.0311LSB. At 0047z heard phone call on 355.0339USB. At 0047z Waldorf put up a carrier on 267.615 at S-8. At 0051z heard phone call on 355.0339USB. At 0053z heard phone call on 267.6466LSB. At 0057z heard phone call on 267.6495USB. At 0059z heard phone call on 267.6575USB. At 0102z heard phone call on 355.0309LSB. At 0108z heard phone call on 267.6564USB. At 0109z heard phone call on 267.6533LSB. At 0113z heard phone call on 267.6602LSB, call to Andrews CP, Andrews then patched AF1 to ???, ??? repeated back to AF1 "on the ground at 09, in the blocks at 15. Is that correct?" Andrews told AF1 he copied all as well. At 0115z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to AF1. Shutting down for the night. The carrier then dropped. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.615/355.000 WBFM AF1(?) & Waldorf in N. Va. 1/26 At 2227z started picking up a carrier on 355.000 in SSB mode. At 2229z Waldorf put up carrier on 267.610 at S-8. At 2230z heard phone call on 355.0040LSB. At 2232z heard phone call on 267.6558USB, some gal rattling off the names of about 2 dozen religious leaders attending some "very important event", asking the other party who else can we get, "this is important". At 2236z heard phone call on 267.6528LSB. At 2241z heard phone call on 267.6469USB. At 2244z heard phone call on 267.6468USB, 2 chaps discussing events in the Senate today, then the ground party transferred to the plane parties voice mail to retrieve his messages. At 2250z heard phone call on 267.6386USB. At 2251z heard phone call on 267.6517LSB, A couple more chaps discussing the trial and the ground party asking the plane party if he's on a secure line. The ground guy then said he'll wait til the other guy gets on the ground to discuss some info they want to put in the print press. "It's a pretty big deal we need to try to peddle to some print reporters tonight". "There in a closed session debating witnesses, I talked to "name" and he says everybody is still in the same condition they were going in before, but we don't know whether it's bravado or reality but the Republicans are also suggesting they kinda locked down their guys". "So we don't know whether they did or they're just trying to scare their guys into believing that other people are locked down". "But we think they probably have, I mean we believe they have probably locked down their folks, and so we're off to the races and the other two people whose affidavits they want to include that represents a huge potential, you know additional considerations here which is part of what I want to talk to you about". "We're talking about trying to feed into the system tonight some of the kind of end game stuff about who owns delay, you know 43 votes to dismiss, the only reason we're going through this is because Republicans voted for witnesses, this should be over right now, everybody knows the end game verses their saying the White House, you know we could be over in three days all they got to do is talk for 24 hours to these three witnesses, the White House is because you know they need discovery and because they want to do X, Y & Z , the White House is the reason this is going to last another month". "And we're going to be in competition with that from 2 o'clock til 6 o'clock tomorrow night and we just want to lay the foundation for winning that argument tonight with some press guys". At 2254z heard phone call on 267.6592LSB. At 2254z heard phone call on 267.6436LSB, "Call "name" in the Sit Room and ask him to get that to you". At 2256z heard phone call on 267.6461USB. DNC stuff chat. At 2302z heard phone call on 267.6587LSB. At 2304z heard phone call on 267.6587LSB. At 2306z heard phone call on 267.6429LSB. At 2308z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf tell AF1(?) "Waldorf, OK thank you, alright I'll be standing by". At 2310z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf tell AF1(?) "Waldorf, alright you have a good night". The carrier then dropped. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>)