Subject: 267.615/355.000 WBFM in N. Va., Waldorf, ???, AF1 2/3 At 0234z heard WBFM carrier on 267.615 at S-8. At 0235z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf tell unknown, "You've got them sir". At 0236z on the Orderwire heard Waldorf tell unknown, "They're all up to you". At 0238z heard phone call on 267.6469USB, wx and other chatter, AF1 never leaves on time from N.Y. At 0241z heard carrier on 355.000 in SSB mode, at S-1. At 0258z heard phone call on 267.6515LSB, more wx chatter. At 0306z heard phone call on 267.6456USB. At 0328z heard phone call on 267.6499LSB, "We've got a departure, about 30 mins. enroute". At 0338z heard phone call on 267.6497LSB, "About 5 mins. out". At 0358z heard phone call on 267.6575LSB. At 0358z heard on the Orderwire Waldorf talking to unknown, Waldorf then counted to 3 and the carrier dropped. At 0409z WBFM carrier reappeared on 267.610 at S-8. At 0417z noticed WBFM carrier on 355.000 at S-2. At 0429z heard phone call on 267.6422LSB. At 0440z 355.000 carrier at S-9. At 0455z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf tell AF1, "Alright sir, have a good night". The carriers then dropped. Some speculation. The carrier that was up from 0234z to 0358z may have been for the back up plane parked at Andrews ready to head to N.Y. in case the primary a/c had problems. At first I thought that the carrier may have been for a relay aircraft to give circuits to the SAM 2#000/AF1 aircraft parked up in N.Y. I still don't know, oh well. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610/355.000 WBFM Waldorf & AF1, in N. Va. 2/5 At 2034z found WBFM carriers on 267.620 at S-8 and 355.000 at S-1. At 2035z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf tell 2X000 "Standby Mam, I'll cut them through to you, you were a little early, I didn't know if it was you or not so I just put an ADMIN up". "And you have the circuits". At 2039z heard phone call on 267.6498USB. At 2053z heard phone call on 267.6696LSB. At 2126z noticed that the 267.620 carrier had drifted down to 267.610. At 2232z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 tell Waldorf he doesn't have any SF on ch. 1. At 2242z on the 267 Orderwire, and for the next 28 mins. Waldorf and 01 chatting about SSMA ports, 01 asked Waldorf if he has any idea why 01 has port incompatible 15 & 16 on his SSMA MUX. Waldorf asked him port 15 & 16, 01 said that his MUX is alarmed out, and his card on port 15 & 16 is all lit up like a Christmas tree. Waldorf told him to hang on, he wants to look at his "thing". Waldorf came back and said that the only thing he can figure out is that the bandwidth they are using doesn't allow them to use those ports. 01 says that they should be turned off, 15 & 16 shouldn't even be turned on. 01 asked if Waldorf has them turned off, Waldorf said no. 01 says he has his turned off, that's why he can't understand why they're alarmed out. 01 asked Waldorf to do a remote local download to him. Waldorf told him to hang on and asked if that's on the SSMA. 01 said affirmative. Waldorf came back and told 01 he downloaded to him. 01 says that he doesn't show it. 01 says it didn't look like he got the download. Waldorf asked if 01 was running "Kelp(?)" cards or running used and unused? 01 said they have the port set up for unused. Both ports 15 & 16 are turned off. 01 then said that he just reseated a card, could Waldorf try another remote local download? 01 has not seen one of those come down to him yet. Waldorf came back and said they are going to do an activate on B and then do a download. Waldorf said it should be coming up to him, 01 says he doesn't see it, Waldorf says he sees that it's not working. 01 then told Waldorf that he thinks that there's a loop somewhere in the system. 01 just threw a ten ten pattern on the transmit out and he got it back. Waldorf said that they can check that real easy, hang on. Waldorf says that there is a loop on it because he can see a port 3 come right back to him also. 01 asked if Waldorf has any idea where it's at, Waldorf says they are calling Belvoir right now. Waldorf came back and asked 01 if he's running anything on the link at all. 01 said that they are showing a loop. Waldorf asked if 01 can terminate where it leaves him any way? 01 said Rodge. Waldorf says they think they found the problem. 01 says he has his key off, does Waldorf want it turned back on. Waldorf said yes. Waldorf then asked 01 if he has his RT back up. 01 said it's coming around. Waldorf says he doesn't see a link back yet, he didn't know if the problem was at 01 or whether they forgot to do something back at the other station. Waldorf asked for a heads up when 01 has his RT back up. A short while later everything was fine. Waldorf told 01 "Happy Trails". 01 said "What?" Waldorf said it's an old Phil Clarke saying, you never heard that before, 01 said a long time ago. Waldorf said he must be showing his age:>) At 2244z heard phone call on 267.6578LSB, "Do me a favor, can you get in touch with the backup airplane cause I can't speak to them and I just need them to relay on a message to "name", he's one of the cops flying with them, he's scheduled to go to Jordan with us if we go, and if that goes we just need to make sure, I don't have his passport, he's going to need to pick that up and bring it with him if we go tomorrow". At 2251z heard phone call on 267.6577LSB, "hear any rumors about the weekend?" At 2307z heard phone call on 267.6495LSB, three way conference call, discussing events for the upcoming Central America trip, "We'll know which Senators are going later on next week". At 2314z on the 267 & 355 Orderwires heard AF1 inform Waldorf airborne at 2314z. At 2324z heard phone call on 267.6529USB, Minority Economic talk. At 2325z heard phone call on 267.6660LSB. At 2328z heard phone call on 267.6577LSB, Poor Secure, garbled, Signal, Royal Crown and Camp know. At 2329z on the 267 & 355 Orderwires heard AF1 inform Waldorf "Down in Atlanta at 0035z". At 2332z heard phone call on 267.6496LSB. At 2233z heard phone call on 267.6577LSB. At 2334z the 267 carrier dropped. At 2335z heard phone call on 355.0550LSB. At 2237z heard phone call on 355.0309LSB. At 2340z heard phone call on 355.0551LSB. The 355 carrier dropped at 2341z. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 345.420/366.750 WBFM Waldorf & 973(?), in N. Va. 2/7 At 0224z heard WBFM carrier on 345.420 at S-6, carrier had hum on it. Carrier also present on 366.750 at S-1. At 0232z heard phone call on 345.4660LSB, call's audio was very distorted. At 0248z around 345.4630LSB heard scrambled comms. At 0250z the 345.420 signal had drifted down to 345.415. At 0330z on the 345 Orderwire heard Waldorf say "Go ahead 73" "Roger". Hit the sack at 0408z, carriers still up. Carriers were gone at 1227z. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610/355.000 232.750/357.700 WBFM 28000, 29000, & Waldorf 2/7 At 1943z found WBFM carriers on 267.610 at S-8, & 355.000 at S-1. At 1944z heard phone call on 267.6436LSB, "We got to find out when you guys are flying, if people send traffic to you do you really want to wake these people up?" "They probably all want to sleep". At 1946z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 inform Waldorf they are airborne and heading towards Hillsboro. At 1954z heard phone call on 267.6587LSB, "This is Royal Crown radio check, 1 2 3 3 2 1, how copy Royal Crown?" "297225 roger that sir, receiving on 260.425". "And 28000, 28000, this is Royal Crown with a radio check 1 2 3 3 2 1 how copy Royal Crown over?" "Ready to drop this one sir?" At 2001z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 and Waldorf, 01 called Waldorf and asked if Waldorf has 01 in Hillsboro, Waldorf said negative, no AGC, Waldorf has 01 at 5 1/2 on a scale of 8 in Omaha. At 2002z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 calling Waldorf and asking him to take him in Hillsboro. Waldorf says that the signal is beginning to come up now, Waldorf will arrange as fast as he can. 01 says he's getting a lot of noise from Omaha. Waldorf has 01 at a 2 on a scale of 8 in Hillsboro, that's marginal. Does 01 want Waldorf to take him into Hillsboro. 01 said yes, please. Waldorf then transitioned 01 into Hillsboro. They had each other loud and clear. Waldorf now has 01 at a 3 1/2 in Hillsboro and a 5.4 in Omaha. 01 says that he was seeing Waldorf at a 2 from Omaha. Waldorf says that his power out was normal. 01 says he doesn't know what's wrong but they are doing great in their present station. At 2004z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 inform Waldorf that their circuits check good. At 2016z heard phone call on 267.6581LSB, "Right now we're showing 64 on the primary, back up bird does not have that yet, we should just wait until we get a seat assignment". At 2023z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to 28000, Waldorf told 28000 that he has Nigtwatch 01 flying towards him, he's two stations away, at that time he really should work him if he's in Waldorf's area, but at the moment and probably for the next 45 mins. to an hour he can support 290000. (apparently 28000 wanted to bring 29000 up on ch. 8) Waldorf told 28000 the 01 is flying to Greenhill and on. Waldorf said he can bring 29000 up now and he'll be good for the next 45 mins. Waldorf will look for 29000 on RF 10. At 2029z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf calling 29000, Waldorf told 29000 that he cut her circuit 8, on slot 8, and he'll have 01 in his area in about a half hour to 45 mins. He'll let her know when 01 gets close. He can work her til then. At 2029z found WBFM carriers on 232.750 at S-8, & 357.700 at S-1. At 2040z heard phone call on 267.6449USB. At 2040z on the 232 Orderwire heard Waldorf and 01, Waldorf told 01 they can transition into Dayton. 01 said that's OK with him. Waldorf then transitioned 01 into Dayton. They had each other loud and clear. 01 was going to check his circuits. At 2043z on the 232 Orderwire heard Waldorf and 01, 01 told Waldorf that his circuits check good. Had to hit the road for a Hockey game at 2053z, put in tapes to record 2 hours worth of Orderwire traffic, times are approximate. At 2112z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 calling Waldorf, 01 told Waldorf that they should be coming up shortly in his station. Waldorf says he's got him there, he's just moving things around. Waldorf then asked 01 if they want to try to establish the SSMA link before they go to much further or do they want to wait and get to Greenhill? 01 said they were planning on waiting until they got into Greenhill so that if they had any problems they'd have a chance to work on them. Waldorf asked if 01 was going to stay on the same satellite that they are on. 01 said yes, Waldorf then told 01 that it shouldn't be any problem with that. Waldorf said that he was just going to give 01 4 circuits for his Nightwatch, 01 said that's correct and that they would not be putting ADMIN on them. Waldorf said that he'll just pull what he has down and put the others up, it won't be any biggie. Waldorf then said that he'll go ahead and take 01 into Waldorf. Waldorf then transitioned 01 into Waldorf, they had each other loud and clear. At 2112z on the 267 Orderwire Waldorf called 28000, no reply. At 2113z on the 267 Orderwire 01 called Waldorf, 01 told Waldorf circuits check good. Waldorf told 01 that he's setting up for Greenhill and will be waiting there for him. At 2145z on the 267 Orderwire 01 called Waldorf, 01 asked Waldorf if they are still in Waldorf. Waldorf said yes, he's getting ready to put him up into Greenhill. 01 said they can stay in Waldorf a little longer, he has a good signal from Waldorf. Waldorf says he has 01 up at Greenhill at about a 4 and in Waldorf at about a 5. At 2147z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf transition 01 into Greenhill. They had each other loud and clear. At 2149z on the 267 Orderwire 01 called Waldorf, 01 told Waldorf that the circuits are good but kind of noisy. 01 asked if Waldorf wanted to make note of it or just wait til they come back and see if it clears up or it could be where they're at. Waldorf told 01that he has a 3.7 signal from 01, it might just be his location, which way you approach the station. Waldorf asked 01 to just hang on there a couple of more minutes and see what happens. Waldorf then asked 01 if they want to put the SSMA up. 01 told Waldorf that he wanted to check with his COMMO real quick and then they'll get on that. At 2151z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 ask Waldorf to take his ch. 5 and put it over on FDMA ch. 1. Waldorf asked if there was any way he could put them all up at one time. 01 said no, his COMMO wants to do them one at a time to make sure that they don't lose them all at once. At 2152z on the 267 Orderwire Waldorf came on and told 01 that 5's up. 01 said that they'll check it. At 2154z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 inform Waldorf that he has dial tone on that channel. No more activity on tape 1, recorder #2 didn't turn on, operator error:>( Apparently they have started calling the GEPs by the local town names now and not the air bases where the GEPs are located. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610 WBFM Waldorf & AF1 2/9 Ran the tape recorders to record Orderwire comms. of AF1's arrival into Andrews. All times are approximate. At 0650z the 267.610 carrier came up and Waldorf called AF1 for a radio check. At 0651z heard "Nightwatch" calling Waldorf, Waldorf told Nightwatch that Waldorf has him now in Green Hill. Waldorf told Nightwatch that he has everything up to him except 5, 6, & 7. NW asked Waldorf to normal up 5, 6, 7, and also 12. At 0652z heard Waldorf tell 01 that he should have them all now, 01 requested they switch to RF 2. Waldorf told 01 to let him set up. At 0653z Waldorf came on and told 01 he was ready to go to RF 2. If it doesn't work out they'll come back to RF 1. Waldorf and 01 switched to RF 2. Waldorf at first was using low power, he switched to high power. Waldorf told 01 that he still has noise. . 01 asked if Waldorf wanted to try RF 3. Waldorf said why not. They switched to RF 3. Waldorf asked 01 if it was any better, 01 said a little bit. Waldorf told 01 that he has a good signal from him. Good AGC, in the 3s. Climbing all the time. 01 said that they'll just stay with this. At 0702z Waldorf told 01 that he can take him in Waldorf if he's ready. 01 said OK, Waldorf transitioned 01. Waldorf then informed 01 that on his SSMA Waldorf swapped his channels, 01 has 3 DISA(?) and a DDD. 01 asked Waldorf to repeat. At 0703z 01 told Waldorf that his circuits check good at Waldorf. At 0725z heard 01 call Waldorf and ask if Waldorf sees 01at Wright Pat, Waldorf says he's looking, oops he forgot to "roll", he's looking on RF 2. Waldorf came back and said he doesn't see anything at Wright Pat. At 0730z heard Waldorf shutting down with AF1 for the night. That's all for now, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: 267.610/355.000 305.550/230.650 366.750 WBFM Waldorf, 29000 & 01 in N. Va. 2/22 At 1549z found WBFM carriers on 267.610 at S-8, 355.000 at S-6. At 1549z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf and 01, 01 told Waldorf they'd like to use the FEMA GEP today. Waldorf told 01 that he doesn't know if 01 would be able to reach it and then asked what RF 01 would like. 01 told Waldorf that they'll be in the area in about an hour and a half, 01 came back and asked for RF 6. Waldorf told 01 that 29000 is using RF 6 at this time. 01 then asked for RF 5. Waldorf said that will work, could 01 call Waldorf once they get airborne and he'll bring up the FEMA GEP. At 1608z on the 267 Orderwire 01 told Waldorf that they are taxiing at this time and headed his way. Waldorf told 01 that he'll put the FEMA GEP up, when 01 sees the transmitter let Waldorf know and he'll put circuits up at that time. At 1617z on the 267 Orderwire 01 informed Waldorf that they are airborne at this time. At 1642z on the 267 Orderwire heard Waldorf and 01, 01 asked Waldorf if Waldorf sees 01 better anywhere else. Waldorf told 01 that he sees him at Waldorf, Waldorf transitions 01 into Waldorf. Waldorf tells 01 that he has Seymour Johnson looking, he'll turn on Signal Mountain and see what it looks like. At 1644z found WBFM carrier on 305.550 at S-6. At 1645z heard phone call on 305.5655LSB. At 1647z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 and Waldorf, Waldorf asked 01 if they'd like to try a different RF. 01 told Waldorf they believe the problem is their altitude. Waldorf tells 01 that he has FEMA burning to him. Waldorf asked 01 if he was ready for his FEMA circuits. 01 said yes. Heard Waldorf pushing buttons and telling 01 that he has his circuits. Waldorf came back and said he thought that he had them, the matrix didn't take. Waldorf pushed some more buttons and then said that 01 should have them now. 01 then called Waldorf and told Waldorf that he's not seeing anything from the FEMA GEP. Waldorf pushed some more buttons and said that he should have circuits 9 through 12 hopefully:>) 01 came back and said that he's seeing a neg 48 pilot tone from the FEMA GEP. Waldorf told 01 to standby. Waldorf then called 01 and a different guy answered, Waldorf asked if his pilot is better. 01 told Waldorf that he now has 9 10 11 & 12. The new voice then started chatting with the Waldorf OP. 01 asked him what he's doing, Waldorf told him "just sitting here hiding". 01 told Waldorf that he's just watching his student go nuts up here. Waldorf told 01 that part of it was his fault and part was "well you know.... computers". 01 told Waldorf that he's watching the student's HPA(or 8) fault on his radio. Waldorf told 01 to tell the student that Waldorf is trying to train him real good, Waldorf will throw a little problem in there. 01 starts laughing, and says he can do that also. At 1649z found WBFM carriers on 230.650 and 366.750, both at S-1. At 1705z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 and Waldorf. Waldorf told 01 that there is a lot of crackling on the Orderwire, 01's AGC is good a 4 on a scale of 8, would 01 like to change RFs. 01 said that he'd like to stay put. At 1708z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 and Waldorf, Waldorf told 01 that they are losing him, AGC is 2 1/2 on a scale of 8. 01 told Waldorf that they are headed back towards Dayton. Waldorf says that he has Dayton up. The Orderwire noised up and Waldorf came on and told 01 that he's looking for him at Dayton, Goldsboro and Signal Mountain. Waldorf came back and said that he can not copy 01 at all. Waldorf told 01 he doesn't have 01 anywhere. Waldorf then started calling 01, 01 replied, Waldorf said that he can copy 01 for the moment. Waldorf has 01 at Dayton, a 2 on a scale of 8, very marginal, very noisy. Waldorf told 01 that it's better then Waldorf was. 01 told Waldorf that they're going to be flying back and forth, probably at least 1 time and then heading back towards Waldorf. Waldorf says he'll be watching. At 1711z the 305 carrier dropped. At 1714z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 and Waldorf. 01 told Waldorf that his circuits check 5 by. Waldorf told 01 that he's now at a 4 on a scale of 8 in Dayton. At 1734z on the 267 Orderwire heard 01 inform Waldorf that they are headed back towards Waldorf. At 1735z started hearing a carrier on 230.650 at S-1. At 1735z Waldorf transitioned 01 into Waldorf, 305.550 carrier now up at S-6. At 1736z heard on the 267 and 355 Orderwires 29000 and Waldorf. 29000 was done for the day and Waldorf dropped his transmitter to him. 305.550/230.650 carriers still up at 2/23 0120z. That's all for now, still have more notes and tapes to go over. More on 01 and Waldorf tomorrow. 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>) Subject: More 305.550/230.650 WBFM Waldorf & 01 in N. Va. 2/22 At 1737z on the 305 & 230 Orderwires heard 01& Waldorf, 01 informed Waldorf that his circuits check 5ers. At 1740z heard phone call on 305.5994USB, talking about messages, "And you need to try to get your messages over here?" "It's been a while since you guys have done this" "RHDJAA" "You're getting here at 3:30, where you guys going to be landing at?" "Are you talking about inside of the AF1 complex?" "I have no idea where that would be, you see you're running into the middle of a swing shift time and they don't have the manning to leave the Comm Center" "I'm not familiar with that reg or rule that we're supposed to deliver, are you at 1850?" "Is your number 939 1850?" "I'll call you back in about 15 mins." At 1744z on the 305 & 230 Orderwires heard Waldorf and 01, 01 informed Waldorf that at the FEMA GEP circuits check 5 by. At 1749z heard phone call on 305.5839USB. At 1752z noticed that the 366.750 carrier was at S-4. At 1754z heard phone call on 305.5727LSB. At 1756z heard phone call on 305.5811LSB. At 1801z noticed that the 230.650 carrier was at S-9, the 366.750 carrier was at S-9 +10. At 1804z heard phone call on 305.5651LSB. At 1809z the 366.750 carrier was gone. At 1811z on the 305 & 230 Orderwires heard Waldorf and 01, Waldorf asked 01 if they were done with the FEMA GEP, 01 said yes. At 1820z the 230 carrier was at S-1. At 1821z heard phone call on 305.5839USB. At 1823z heard phone call on 305.6051LSB, "I just want to make sure that I got the whole deal, because I don't want to not do it for you if it's going to cause a lot of problems, but at the same time I don't want to start taking out real users to try to support you" "Are you going to be to far out of the MIDLANT pattern or you just going to be... OK" "Are you expecting an AUTODIN message back as well?" "You actually should do the messages, they're a good idea, like on the MIDLANT we really don't require one, but on this one we would" "Let me talk with the Joint Staff and I'll get an answer back to you, also at the same time let me know if there's a big impact if you're not able to do it on the prime satellite and if you have to go to the reserve" "I'll let the Joint Staff decide what we're going to do and I'm going to give them a call and whatever they say I'm going to send out a message, if we don't give it to you on the prime satellite you'll get it on the reserve" At 1826z heard phone call on 305.5728LSB. At 1836z heard phone call on 305.6052LSB. At 1838z heard phone call on 305.5812LSB. At 1848z heard phone call on 305.5840USB. At 1855z on the 305 & 230 Orderwires heard Waldorf and 01, 01 passed along to Waldorf that they are airborne again. At 1855z the 230 carrier was at S-5. At 1857z heard phone call on 305.5728LSB. At 1901z heard phone call on 305.5812LSB. Also calls at 1902z, 1907z, 1909z, and 1912z. At 1914z heard phone call on 305.5652LSB. At 1915z the 230 carrier was at S-1. At 1915z heard phone call on 305.5812LSB. At 1918z heard phone call on 305.5728LSB, "Did you call and ask for the secure fax number?" "858 2198" At 1922z heard phone call on 305.5812LSB. At 1927z on the 305 Orderwire heard Waldorf talking to 01, Waldorf told 01 that FEMA is terminated and he's turning them off for the day. At 1928z on the 305 Orderwire heard Waldorf telling 01 that he's checking Seymour, there's no signal at Dayton or Signal Mountain. Waldorf told 01 he can take him at Seymour. The carrier then dropped. At 1955z the carrier popped up again on 305.550 at S-8. At 1959z the 230 carrier was at S-5. At 2004z on the 305 Orderwire heard Waldorf telling 01 that he doesn't know where Camp Roberts is, maybe through a loop? Waldorf said that he hasn't patched anything yet, the MUX is normally connected. Waldorf doesn't show any remote loops. Waldorf asked 01 if he'd like Waldorf to start patching circuits to it. Waldorf said he'll give 01 the same DDDs in the same order. Waldorf then told 01 that he has his phone circuits patched to the MUX. Waldorf then asked 01 for a number, "like 29H7?" I started copying 01 on the 230 Orderwire and heard 01 tell Waldorf 25D4. 01 said that it goes to Belvoir and Camp Roberts has different CCSDs, it's a 1200 baud circuit, it's the only one we have. Waldorf came back a short while later and told 01 that he's feeding him that 25D4 and he has a signal from Detrick and nothing from 01. 01 told Waldorf that 01s sending Waldorf a ten ten, Waldorf said they're not seeing it. At 2005z on the 305 and 230 Orderwires heard 01 and Waldorf, Waldorf asked 01 if they are on EASTPACC or WESTPACC, 01 said EASTPACC. At 2008z heard phone call on 305.5728LSB. At 2019z heard scrambled type comms. on 305.5990LSB At 2025z heard phone call on 305.6052LSB. At 2033z heard phone call on 305.5840USB. At 2038z heard phone call on 305.5728LSB. At 2043z heard phone call on 305.6053LSB. At 2044z heard phone call on 305.5813LSB. At 2049z heard phone call on 305.5728LSB. At 2053z heard phone call on 305.5842USB. At 2055z heard phone call on 305.5760USB. At 2058z on the 305 & 230 Orderwires heard 01 pass along to Waldorf that a station Concord is coming up in Barksdale requesting a 7C on RF 18. At 2106z heard phone call on 305.5841USB. At 2108z heard phone call on 305.5814USB. Had to hit the road for a while, started tapes to record the 305 Orderwire and MUX channel 6. Ch. 6 has been used almost exclusively in the past for EAM traffic and Communication Flash Test Calls. When I listened to the tapes there was no traffic on the Orderwire tape. The tape on 305.5892 had one phone call on it: At approximately 2235z started with Siren type sounds and then "All conferees stand by" numerous times, Then "XOK6XX standby" numerous times, then "Message follows XOK6XX6YWMODB62H35NP" This was repeated, then "This is Kilo acknowledge 3", 3 not heard. Then "All conferees standby" again then "XOFFSY standby" then "Message follows XOFFSYQ7E6JQPF7LAT5F" This was repeated, then "This is Xray, all in receipt of XOK6XX and XOFFSY acknowledge, Z replied 7, J was not heard, B was not heard, T replied M, R not heard, O replied F, E replied K, F replied M, G not heard, N replied Y, 2 replied S. Then "This is Xray out". That's all for now, 305.550 and 230.650 are still up at 0300z on 2/24. I have not been able to listen to anything today, 2/23. I have two tapes to listen to from earlier on the 23rd. If anything is on them I'll report it. At 1031z on 2/24 heard phone call on 305.5834USB, "Actually I was just speaking with somebody from Tech Control, we had a loop back put up on (?) and just had somebody check it." "And you tried resetting it after we put up the loop?" "Actually we don't have the crypto here, from what I understand you have the crypto there on the plane and then this one on the (?)" "We just put up a different loop, can you check it again?" "OK now how's that?" "That was your crypto there?" " You want to try that with Comm. Center?" "Is this the same (?) you use for CNET?" "Your CNET circuit, is it the same?" "CNET, Charlie Nancy Echo Tango, CNET" "Also, how is it transmitted to the plane, from the Comm. Center, right?" "Tech Control?, right, 3210" "? SATCOM, I don't think it runs through SATCOM anymore, that's what some of the ? say here, my supervisor just went to get the circuit ? folder" "He shows SATCOM out of the picture" "We even called up SATCOM and they couldn't find it ? ? ?" "I"ll look into it somemore and give you a call back, bye" At 2015z, 2/24 the carriers were gone, 73 de OBK Time for a Dominion :>)